Process to Contract or Loan a Player

NLS Steps 5 & 6 Clubs



Please note the following Rules before entering into any contract of employment with a player.


In accordance with The Rules of The Association - Rule C:


C11    Players must be aged 18 or over in order to enter into a Playing Contract, save that a Player aged 17 may enter into a Playing Contract where they are not in Full-time Education. 


C13    Players under the age of 18 may not sign a Playing Contract for a term longer than three years.


A fully signed copy of the Football Players’ Non-League Contract, along with any accompanying signed documents, will need submitting to FA Player Status and Registrations.

G2 forms are not required.


Signed Agent Forms (AF) will are also required to be submitted if an Agent has been a part of the negotiations and registration process. All AF documents can be downloaded from (Any queries relating to Agents, please contact [email protected].)


Photo Identification should be checked by clubs to ensure the player's personal details are correct. 


Any player under the age of 18 will require the forms to be countersigned by the player’s parent/guardian. The registering club will also be required to evidence that a player under the age of 18 is not in Full-time Education. 




Players who are registered on a contract, may be registered on a temporary transfer (loan) with another club. Clubs within Steps 5 and 6 are able to sign players on loans from other clubs within Steps 1 to 6 of the National League System (NLS).


When signing a player from a club within a different leagues, the form H3 is required, unless the loan is a Youth Loan whereby a 'YL' form will be necessary in this event.


Any Long Term Loan can only be authorised during an open Transfer Window (dates to be published by The FA from time to time).


Full criteria for each of the loan types are set out within League Rules. Clubs should refer to their seasonal published League Handbook, to ensure the terms of the loan are done so in line with League Rules.


A fully signed copy of the relevant loan form, along with any accompanying signed documents, will need to be submitted to The FA via the portal at FA Player Status and Registrations.


Signed Agent Forms (AF) will are also required to be uploaded. All AF documents can be downloaded from (Any queries relating to Agents, please contact [email protected].)


Any player under the age of 18 will require the forms to be countersigned by the player’s parent/guardian.


For Clubs at Steps 1-4 sending a player out on loan to a club at Steps 5&6, the documents must be submitted via iFAS for approval. This will show the player as ineligible on your Player List.


Work Experience

Clubs within Steps 1 to 6 are permitted to sign players, who are currently registered on a Scholarship, on Work Experience from the Premier League and the EFL. 


Work Experience registrations are for First Team only, which are set within the scope of the NLS (Steps 1 to 6). Work Experience registrations cannot be approved purely for any youth/reserve team who operate outside of Steps 1 to 6.


Clubs operating at Steps 1-4 and signing Work Experience players, it will be for the parent club to upload a copy of the signed Work Experience form to their online registration system (iFAS). 

The registering Step 5 and 6 clubs are also required to submit a copy to The FA via the portal at FA Player Status and Registrations.


Timeline for Submissions

In line with FA Rules, all signed registration documents must be submitted to The FA within five days of signature. Should the registering Club require the player to participate in the next scheduled fixture, the registration will need to be authorised by The FA and relevant Member League(s) before the player plays under the terms of the new registration.


Original Documentation

The FA does not require original copies of documents, therefore it is not necessary to post hard copies to The FA. Original copies should be retained by the Club for its own recording purposes. The player must receive an original copy of the completed and signed documents.


The FA Handbook

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